Monique Bross (author)

LifeBook’s Lianne talks about helping Monique Bross with her book My Life’s Puzzle

Having received her galley proof, Monique sat with the typesetter and me to view the final amends on-screen before signing off to print. We added a few last-minute photos that simply couldn’t be left out, and Monique got an insight into the typesetting process.

It was a pleasure to work with Monique to produce her book, and I think her personality really shines through the pages (especially in her chapter of amusing anecdotes). I found the reviewing and amending process for Monique’s book particularly fascinating. Seeing her thoughts, opinions and memories written on the pages, she was able to look at them with a new perspective and to see positives she might not have seen before.

Listen to Monique talking about her experience.

Her outlook after her trip back to where she grew up was quite inspirational for me. I feel privileged to have been a part of helping her to achieve something she had wanted for a long time and which has had such a positive impact on her.

Having enjoyed working with Monique, I’m holding out hope that, as she continues to learn more and have more experiences in this stage in her life, she will return one day with a few more chapters for us to add to her book … or perhaps even a My Life’s Puzzle Part II.

Thank you, Monique, for choosing LifeBook to help you share your story.

LifeBook, Lianne Tapscott

– Lianne Tapscott –

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