Ellen Hutt

LifeBook author Ellen Hutt with her private autobiography.

Looking back on a lifetime of experiences can be both rewarding and daunting. For some, the idea of capturing their life story in a book feels like an exciting opportunity; for others, it may seem overwhelming. Ellen Hutt, of Warwickshire, recently completed this journey. She had been unsure of what to expect, but what followed was a truly fulfilling experience.

Here is what Ellen had to say:

“I would like to share my experience of writing my lifebook memoir recently over a period of six months. I was a bit apprehensive beforehand as I had never done anything like this before. However it was a very happy experience and I had the benefit each week of a very friendly and experienced person who helped me to put my story together. It was so much easier to talk about my past life instead of having to sit down and write it all out. I also enjoyed choosing the photos and matching them with the stories. I can strongly recommend this to anyone who feels they would like to record their life story for their family.”

The front cover of An Enlightened Woman, the LifeBook written by Ellen Hutt.

Ellen’s LifeBook, An Enlightened Woman, was completed in 2024.


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