Celebrate Milestone Birthdays With a Memoir

celebrate milestone birthdays with a memoir

How do you go about finding that perfect milestone birthday gift?

When it comes to birthdays, every year is a gift and a blessing. We place special emphasis on those milestone celebrations like 50th, 75th, even 100th birthdays to highlight a LifeBook of memories. But when it comes to finding the perfect gift for a loved one who is celebrating one of these exciting birthdays, you may find yourself searching gift shops for another cheesy knick-knack which will collect dust on a shelf. We propose a different kind of gift. If you have a loved one celebrating a milestone birthday, give them the gift of a LifeBook memoir.

Celebrate health

When we are blessed with another birthday, we should take the time to celebrate our health-both physical and mental. Whether you are celebrating in a large gathering or in a simple, intimate setting, it’s important to take the time to appreciate the life of a loved one.

Did you know that laughter has a positive impact on your health? Studies show that laughter can help relieve stress, boost immunity, relieve pain, increase your oxygen intake, and help your organs function better. 

So at the next milestone birthday celebration, pull out those silly photos, play the goofy home videos, and share the stories that have made this life one to remember.

Celebrate family

Whether the party is for a one-year-old or a 100-year-old, these family and friends gatherings help build our sense of community. During these milestone celebrations, we are able to connect with those we love while swapping stories, enjoying each other’s company, and looking forward to many years of birthdays to come.

We know it can be difficult to gather all of those we love the most in one location–but these memories are important. They often go on to be the stories told to future generations, about activities and things that have happened.

So much of family celebrations include the telling of family stories, especially for those celebrating those milestone moments. We are able to learn from our elderly loved ones as they have experienced so many moments in life that have shaped their world perspective. In turn, that is how you came to be the person you are today.

Celebrate a LifeBook

When it comes to celebrating a loved one’s milestone birthday, you may think of potential gifts that will only bring joy momentarily. But there is a gift you can give that will be remembered and cherished for years to come. When you need the perfect gift for a milestone celebration, look no further than a LifeBook Private Autobiography.

A LifeBook memoir is a gift that gives for generations to come. Your loved one will enjoy the experience of working with our interviewers and writers, while you will get to enjoy reading their life story in a beautifully bound book that captures their voice.

And those silly pictures we mentioned? You can include those in the memoir as a way to preserve the visual history of a life worth remembering. 

Celebrate birthdays and all the milestones with LifeBook Memoirs

Life moves fast. Let us help you capture a family story today. Contact our compassionate team today.

Your story. Told by you. Written by us.


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