Three more weeks to complete our projects in time for Christmas
With Christmas rapidly approaching (only three weeks to go at the time of writing!), we here at LifeBook are currently experiencing our busiest Christmas production schedule yet. We’re not just looking to complete projects in the UK for Christmas; currently we have authors in America, Canada, Europe and even Australia all on schedule to receive their books in time for the festive season.
Since LifeBook started in 2012, we have delivered autobiographies to 15 countries across the world, with thousands of family members and friends receiving copies of a LifeBook. Unfortunately, Santa is a little too busy to help with our deliveries this year, but at least we’re now on first-name terms with our local courier.
The LifeBook autobiography or memoir package
Every one of our authors receives 10 copies of their book, as featured in the autobiography package, although many order more than that number so that as many family members and friends as possible can be presented with the author’s life story as a wonderful gift at Christmas. As a result, we’re keeping our bookbinders busy with hundreds of books to produce, pack and deliver.
The Christmas rush at LifeBook, like the big day itself, is a flurry of activity. Final edits are returned and signed off, final proofs are checked, double-checked and then checked again, before they are signed off to print.
Join our LifeBook Facebook family
With plenty of books being wrapped and prepared as Christmas gifts, we love to hear about our authors’ plans for presenting their books to the family on Christmas Day ‒ a beautiful gift of a loved one’s legacy is something we take pride in producing.
At this time of year, our Christmas authors are rapidly approaching the end of their LifeBook journey. Some of them originally purchased the project for themselves, while others received their project as a gift from a friend or family member. At the start of each new project, we send a LifeBook Journal to the author, thereby providing them with a useful place to make a note of any memories, ideas and general jottings for the project. The LifeBook Journal is produced with the same finish as the final product and this welcome pack is supplied in a beautiful gift box, which itself makes an ideal Christmas present for that special person who already has everything!
To find out more contact us.
Why not share your story with us on Facebook and let us know what you are planning for the festive season.
Meanwhile, on behalf of everyone here at LifeBook, we wish you all a very merry Christmas!
Roy Moëd LifeBook Founder