A Memoir – the Gift That Keeps on Giving

LifeBook Alan Reading Memoir

Happiness for generations to come

Occasionally, from time to time, we at LifeBook Memoirs come across a reluctant author – someone who has been gifted a memoir but struggles to see why they would do it.

John was one such author. Fortunately for his family and for generations to come, however, he went ahead and wrote his life story. He did so in order to please his children and grandchildren, but he never foresaw quite how much joy it would bring his son, Alan, to read the book aloud with his granddaughter. The part where John describes his mother saying that he was born under a mulberry bush particularly amuses her!

As John and Alan found, a memoir really is the gift that keeps on giving. We thank them both for sharing with us the heartwarming videos below.

Born under a mulberry bush

John’s dedication of his memoir to his grandchildren


If you are interested in penning your own life story, please get in touch. You can view testimonials from our past memoir and autobiography authors here.


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