What’s New in the Library? My Life and Times
There are as many different reasons for writing a memoir as there are writers of memoirs. Some of the most
There are as many different reasons for writing a memoir as there are writers of memoirs. Some of the most
Pat Chrisfield is one of those people who, firmly and with conviction, but nevertheless quietly and without making any fuss about it, make the world a better place. Here at LifeBook, we love to hear stories like hers.
As we age, we start to look back on the course of our lives, and many of us desire the assurance that we’ve lived a good life. But what does it truly mean to have lived a life worth cherishing?
Memory loss is a natural part of aging. But with the right tools and techniques, you can prevent memory decay and keep your mind sharp.
As a LifeBook Memoirs editor, certain books linger in your mind long after they’re finished. Martin Sterne’s autobiography is one such book.
TV news anchor John Yang investigated the hot topic of what legacy we leave behind on a recent PBS report.
Many of our authors at LifeBook probably think of themselves as ordinary people, but really, they aren’t ordinary at all.
LifeBook Memoirs editor Ben Creeth shares his experience of working on another of his favourite projects.
LifeBook had the honour of helping SteelFab, Inc. write their corporate history “From Cottonfields to Skyscrapers”. We learned about their fascinating journey from a small handrail fabrication shop in Charlotte, NC to their position today as one of the nation’s largest suppliers of fabricated structural steel.
Journalist Saul Kamionsky, South African Jewish Report, spoke with Johannesburg born LifeBook founder Roy about his memories and business philosophies. Roy reveals how a gift a teacher made to a 7-year-old boy departing South Africa for a new beginning in Jersey was the opening chapter of a very eventful life.
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