Discover the diverse journeys of our authors from around the world, and see how LifeBook Memoirs helped them preserve their unique memories for future generations.
What’s New in the Library?Looking Back with Love
- United Kingdom
Every LifeBook is unique in its way, with its own qualities and character, but even among all these highly individual stories, Jeannette Meyers’ story of her parents’ lives is distinctive.
Joanna’s Experience as a LifeBook Interviewer
- United Kingdom
Starting a journey with LifeBook Memoirs can feel a little daunting for new authors, but when they discover I share their passion and commitment, the respect and trust between us
Memoir Interviewer Testimonial – Alise Kirtley
- United Kingdom
Alise Kirtley, talks about being a LifeBook interviewer
Memoir Interviewer Testimonial – Diana
- United Kingdom
What I love about being an interviewer is that I get to listen to the most amazing and fascinating life stories and everyone, whatever they have done in their life,
If Wet Town Hall (I.W.T.H) – What’s New In The Library?
- United Kingdom
I was excited to be assigned a new project for a charming Welsh lady who had begun her career as a pop singer in the late 1950s, but her LifeBook
Memoir Author Testimonial – Alan Beckett
- United Kingdom
At LifeBook we take great pride in signing off each project, in full knowledge that, at the end of their journey, each author and their family will be able to