Writing Your Story: The Perfect Winter Project

LifeBook winter project chimney breast photo aph

Brighten up the dark winter days ahead by going down memory lane

One hour can make a huge difference. The clocks went back on Sunday, 25th October, and now winter feels like it has truly arrived. The nights are growing longer, the weather’s getting colder, and the pandemic is imposing restrictions. The urge to hunker down with the lights on and the curtains drawn grows stronger.

It’s not all doom and gloom though. Right now is the perfect time to begin a positive project on which to focus during these winter months.

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Writing your autobiography or memoir with LifeBook is the perfect winter project that will put a smile on your face. It means regular conversations with an interviewer chosen just for you. It means instalments of your book to review and amend as you see fit. It’s a project that can occupy as much or as little time as you like. It’s a chance to look back and reflect.

Everyone who writes their autobiography with LifeBook spends a different amount of time working on it. For some, just the regular interviews and a quick read of the latest instalment of their book is enough. For others, it encourages them to pick up the phone and laugh with family and friends about memories and events, or to research major world events from their life, or to bring out the old family photo albums to jog some buried memories.

LifeBook winter project photo lindy baker unsplash

Photo by Lindy Baker on Unsplash

Regardless of how you choose to approach your book, you’ll be supported by a friendly team of specialists, led by your project manager, each of whom has been chosen specifically to work on your project.

The Christmas season is about many things: family, decorations, presents, mince pies, mulled wine, indigestion. But it’s also a hugely evocative time of the year; we all have strong memories of past Christmases. These might be memories of a childhood toy that still reminds you of happy times, or memories of a loved one who is no longer present. Either way, it is a time of reflection and connection. As we approach the Christmas season, a LifeBook project will help you explore those memories and embrace those long, dark evenings with happiness.

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Photo by Michel Stockman on Unsplash

Write your memoir, and next year, as the light and promise of spring comes once again, you’ll be able to share your story with friends and family … and with generations to come.

Take your mind off what’s going on in the world and begin the perfect winter project: a LifeBook autobiography or memoir. We can offer different options of contact depending on the current restrictions imposed on your areas so your project can continue regardless. More about our Covid-19 process here. This year, many of our authors wrote their life stories by interacting with our team over Zoom. As a result, because we facilitated the use of technology, many of them also improved their interactions with family and friends.

If you want tips on how to write your memoir. please read our comprehensive guide. Should you be interested in starting a project with us, please get in touch.


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