
Preserve your loved ones’ stories for future generations by asking meaningful questions and writing them down.
Portrait childhood photograph of the author of The Duke of Briar Cliff, Fred Parkin
Fred Parkin is a witty and clever raconteur, sometimes ironic but never unkind, sometimes whimsical but always thoughtful.
An open book, laying flat on a table. The pages are blank, and a pencil lies on the page, waiting to write.
When you write an autobiography, you give your family a gift that gives back for generations to come.
Portrait photograph of the author of The Book What I Wrote, Richard Bryan
If it is true that a picture paints a thousand words, Richard Bryan’s LifeBook memoir should probably be 2,000 pages long.
Grandparents sharing a special moment with their granddaughter
As we progress down the path of mortality, we increasingly focus on what we will be remembered for—our legacy.
Richard discusses his experience of writing his autobiography with us—a feat he had previously thought he would never achieve.