
Part of the cover of Journeys Through Space and Time: A Memoir by Geoffrey Briggs.
Embark on Geoffrey Briggs' incredible journey from England to NASA, on which he helped shape the exploration of space.
A composite image comprising two photographs of LifeBook private autobiographies, a photograph of a man reading one of the books to his daughter, and some text saying "The story the grandkids can't put down. Yours."
Discover how reluctant authors, initially hesitant, grow to cherish the LifeBook project gifted to them.
A Gift With Real Meaning
Find out how gifting an autobiographical journey can bring renewed purpose, inspiration, and joy to a loved one.
Why Your Life Deserves A Memoir Featured Image
Discover why memoirs aren’t just for the rich and famous. Every life story is worth preserving and sharing.
Cover image from the private autobiography, My Life, by Lt Col. Edward Hughes
Discover Edward Hughes’ remarkable journey—from war and world travel to 76 years of marriage—and his secret to happiness.
A notebook lies open, pages blank, waiting to be written in. Photographs, glasses and other items relating to a life lived lay around the book.
Are you thinking about sharing your life story but feel unsure where and how to begin? Let us guide you.