We Need The Unique Stories of Everyday People

LifeBook Memoirs Roy & Yvette

Everyone has a story to tell

Think about the last autobiography or memoir you read. Who was it about– Royalty? A Hollywood celebrity? Perhaps it was written by a politician or religious figure. Regardless of who wrote it, chances are it had a very captivating hook: escaping a dangerous situation, participating in a historic event, or accumulating mass wealth, just to name a few bestselling storylines.

But what about the stories of everyday people? The people who share similar life experiences as us. Where are those stories on our bookshelves? The stories of women becoming mothers, teens becoming adults, the elderly coming to terms with the changing world. The stories of everyday people experiencing life in their own way.

For some of us, reading the stories of the extraordinary is the only time we’ll open a book. But if you are like us, you’ll also want to read the stories of the ordinary. The stories of a typical family experiencing life and all it throws at them: love, loss, growth.

Because here’s the thing– even ordinary stories are extraordinary.

Give us your stories of human experience– the birth of a first child, the story of falling in and out of love. Don’t feel the need to create an earth-shattering experience–instead share the story that will open hearts and minds, giving insight to the person both on the page and in the flesh.

When we share life stories of the everyday man and woman, we get to explore our understanding of the human existence–to bridge gaps between generations and to share a family legacy.

Not sure how to begin your extraordinary story? Contact our compassionate team at LifeBook Private Autobiography. You’ll receive your welcome package complete with a journal to begin recording life’s special moments.

Then, you’ll be introduced to your project manager and be connected with your autobiography interviewer. Once a schedule is established, you’ll begin the LifeBook journey of your private autobiography. You’ll work with a ghostwriter and editor to ensure that your voice, your stories, come to life on the page.

As an added bonus, you’ll receive a USB MiniBook drive that contains your 60-minute audio recording and all your restored photos. Not only will you have a book of life stories to share for years to come, but your loved one will always have a recording of your voice to cherish.

You may have an ordinary story. But your life and your legacy are extraordinary. Preserve it today.

Learn about how we can help here or contact us.


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